Thursday, October 14, 2010

Shining the Frock Spot on: Julie Barnes

Getting to know Julie has been one of the many highlights for the Frocktober Canberra crew.  Effervescent, enthusiastic and fun, Julie's presence at Frock Fridays and other events leaves no surprise that she's one of our top 10 fundraising Frockettes! Why not say hi to her at our movie night?

Without further ado, meet Julie!

Describe yourself in a couple of sentences.

I'm a lifetime jeans & tshirts or trousers & blouses wearer, so Frocktober really was quite a daunting challenge for me! I love music, singing and all sorts of dancing which, to the dismay of my dancing friends, I've been doing in jeans instead of swirly skirts.  

Why Frocktober?  What made you choose to be involved?

So many different reasons why I got involved in Frocktober. First of all, the name and concept themselves are so clever, funny and enticing!  I've been a fan and supporter of Movember for some time, and I loved the idea that us girls now had their own fun fundraising month that led into Movember. It all makes for a fun and lively Spring season. And, as a dedicated second-hand shopper and collector of unusual/beautiful things, I had a few frocks that I loved but never wore, so Frocktober gave me the perfect excuse to drag them out and get into them. But the clincher of course was that it was all for such a good cause... I'd absolutely love it if 2011 saw the discovery of an early detection test for ovarian cancer.

Do you have a personal story or connection with Ovarian Cancer?

My endometriosis was undiagnosed until I was 35 years old and it severely impacted on my health and well-being, so I have a keen and particular interest in issues related to women's gynaecological health.  In the lead-up to both the surgeries I needed in relation to this, my doctors queried the possibility of malignancy. Fortunately on both occasions post-op tests gave the all-clear tho the second time round was not without its dramas, including one trip to the ultrasound clinic where the young technician created a mild panic by claiming she could not find my ovaries but there were two 'growths' left on the scan.  It turned out that my specialist surgeon had 'left my ovaries up high' (how I don't know - twist ties?? :)) to afford them some protection in case I needed post-op radiation treatment, and these 'misplaced' ovaries were what the technician was seeing.

In addition to my own health issues, I've had several friends struggle with related conditions that have caused immense illness and pain, and as I type a too-young friend of mine is preparing for her hysterectomy.  I feel that we have so very much to learn and such a long way to go with understanding, diagnosing and treating women's gynaecological conditions, so I want to see a lot more research and development happening and am keen to help in whatever way I can.

What has been the best thing so far for you about the month?

So many great things have come out of my involvment in Frocktober.  The opportunity to wear my poor neglected frocks has been fun. The wonderful generosity and interest shown by my friends and relatives has been truly heartwarming - it's so exciting to see the email pop up to let me know I've received a donation, and I feel so proud of everyone 'on my fundraising team'.   Unexpectedly, I've come to love wearing frocks, and think I will be wearing them a long time after Frocktober's over.  I've been getting lots of compliments and positive feedback about my outfits and photos which has all been a great confidence boost. But perhaps the loveliest thing about this month has been the connections that my Frocktober challenge has fostered with such wonderful people.  Gorgeous friends have generously loaned frocks and combed OpShops with me helping me buy extras; my neighbours and unsuspecting friends have been recruited to take photos of my daily different frocks and have joined in with great gusto and spirit; I've got to know the beautiful, talented and extremely hardworking young women organising Frocktober Canberra and got to hang out with fellow Frockettes at the fun Frock Fridays.  And last but of course not least, I feel so happy that I've been able to raise so much more money than I anticipated for such a good cause.

Is there a favourite frock in your wardrobe?  Why is your favourite? How does it make you feel?

Hard to pick from a bunch of loved-ones, but guess it'd have to be a tie between my 40's style navy blue with red polka-dots pin-corduroy 40's style 'Ladybug' dress with a lovely wide red collar and red belt, and my pink with white polka dots 50's style full-skirted "Ginger" dress, both of which I bought on sale at the fabulous HoolaHoop in Braidwood.  They make me feel stylish, feminine, well-dressed, well-presented, ready for anything.

What's your message for the month?

My message for the month? "Get informed, Get involved, Get Frocked and Have Fun!"  Your efforts will be rewarded in ways you would never have imagined.  A wonderful example and experience of the old saying: "To Give is to Receive."  Team-Up and Tear-Loose...there'll never be another Frocktober 2010, so make the most of it while you can!! :)

You can sponsor Julie at her Everyday Hero page found here!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Julie - Fabulous - I wish I had known what you were up to in 2010. Very proud of my cousin!!
