Friday, December 10, 2010

Frocktober raises $112, 807.22 Nationally in 2010

The final total nationally is in for the 2010!!!!! 

Quoting Frocktober HQ

Happy Summer! We hope this finds you baring a little more flesh to the world – in a sunsmart manner – and enjoying the final throes of our suddenly-warm-again 2010!
Laverne’s out weeding around the heirloom tomatoes now, but when she got word on the total amount raised for Frocktober 2010, gardening was the farthest thing from her mind…
So, without any further delay, Laverne and The Frocktober team would like to announce: you have helped to raise…


…for Frocktober in 2010 and your outstanding efforts have aided the search for an early detection test for ovarian cancer.
What an amazing sum.
We would again like to thank everyone who joined in the frockin’ fun this year. It is truly an amazing effort, and knowing that all the funds go directly to the OCRF should give you all something to be very proud of.
Remember, if you donated $2 or more (and gave us your address) the OCRF will send you your tax receipt early next year, well before tax time.
Well, we said it would be quick! Stay tuned for the 2011 campaign to be even bigger again, and give yourselves a collective pat on the back. Now the person next to you. Now back to yourself.
Best wishes for the coming months,
Laverne and the Team at Frocktober Inc."
Here at Frocktober Canberra HQ we are so proud of the contribution made by the entire ACT contingent!  Frockettes and Frockafellas the country over, you did the OCRF proud!    We're winding things down at the moment but keep an eye on the blog and Facebook as we'll be starting to plan early in 2011.  Frock on!!!
Happy holidays from Amy, Lucy, Reahn, Brigid, Ramone, Cara, Laarni and  Claudia!

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